četrtek, 26. marec 2015

Getting rid of the bags under your eyes? What works and what doesn’t!

If you suffer from dark circles or bags under your eyes then you know that there are a great many products on the market which claim to be the “end all-fix all” unfortunately 95% of the products dont work and the ones that do work in the short tem and in the long term make the bags under the eyes even worse.

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The world renound Mayo Clinic Bags states that the bags under your eyes - is simply a mild swelling or puffiness which is common as one ages. The area under your eyes ages like all other parts of your body. In this case the tissues around your eyes, and most importantly the muscles, supporting your eyelids, weaken. Normal fat that helps support the eyes sometimes can then migrate forward into the lower eyelid area, causing the bags under the eyes. This is the reason that many “solutions” on the market today simply cannot work.

Hemorrhoid Cremes: There is an old wives tale about Hemorrhoid cremes and under eye bags. Unfortunately, it cannot work. Hemorrhoid creams are designed to schink your blood vessels and the cremes contain vasoconstrictors. It is a great solution when it comes to a person who has hemorrhoids, which are swollen veins, but it cannot work on the very sensitive area under your eyes. The fact is, there are some ingredients in hemorrhoid creams that make the problem with under eye bags even worse. Bags under your eyes are caused by weakened muscles due to age where the fat and or water content which supports your eyes are slowly released to the under lid.

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Beauty Cremes: A Beauty creme which offers a solution to reduce the appearance of under eye bags may not be as damaging as a Hemorrhoid creme but unfortunately will deliver the same effects, in other words, it cannot work. No Creme in the world can strengthen the muscles under the eyes and no creme on the market can eliminate fat or water from the under lid area.

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Facial Fitness: There are essentially two ways to strengthen the muscles under your eyes, the first is by doing a daily fitness routine which involves holding the muscles under the eyes in one place and expanding and contracting the muscles like one one do with a fitness machine in a fitness studio and the other is to use electrical and vibrational muscle stimulation therapy which litterally stimulates the weak muscles to get into shape and prevents further fat and water from forming under the eyes. Yet, as with any physical fitness program, the results do not come over night, but day by day, week by week, and month after month the skin under the eyes tightens, the muscles strengthen, and the bags under your eyes disappear.

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